преподаватель Питер Линднер
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Методология социологического исследования
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Содержание семинара и список литературы
Лекции по курсу
Избранная литература по курсу
reviewed by Brian J.L.
Harvey David: Social justice and the city 1973
Burges Jack
No Polarisation in Dutch cities? Inequality in a Corporatist Country
Buttimer, A.
Classics in human geography revisited 1974 Values in geography. Commission on College geography resource/ Progress in human geography An international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities V20 1996
Friedmann John
World Cities Revisited: A comment
Hamnett, Chris
Social Polarisation in Global Cities: theory and evidence 1994
Hamnett, Chris
Why Sassen is wrong: A response to burgers 1996
Harvey, D
On the history and present condition of geography: an historical materialist manifesto/ Human geography an essential anthology ed. by Agnew G., David N.Livingstone, Rogers A. 1996
Harvey, D
The geography of capitalist accumulation/ Human geography an essential anthology ed. by Agnew G., David N.Livingstone, Rogers A. 1996
Harvey D.
1973: Social justice and the city. /Progress in human Geography 16,1 (1992) pp.71-74
Harvey David
Classics in human geography revisited / Progress in human geography 16.1 (1992) pp 71-74
Harvey David
On fatal flaws and fatal distractions / Progress in human geography 24.3 (1999) pp 557-566
Hill R.Ch. and Kim Woo
Global Cities and development states: New York, Tokyo and Seoul/ Urban Studies, Vol.37, No.12. 2000
Hill R.Ch. and Kim Woo
Reply to Friedmann and Sassen/ Urban Studies, Vol.38, No.13. 2001
Johnston R.J 1986
Johnston R.J 2000
Johnston R.J.
Marxist political economy, the state and political geography / Progress in human geography An international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities V8 1984
Jones A.
Dialectics and difference: against Harvey’s dialectical ‘post-Marxism’/ Progress in human geography 23,4 (1999) pp.529-555 V23
Lagendijk A.
Will New Regionalism survive? Tracing dominant concepts in economic geography. 1998
Ley D.
Cultural/humanistic geography / Progress in human geography V5 1981
Ley D.
Cultural/humanistic geography / Progress in human geography V9 1985
Markusen A. and Gwiasda V.
Multipolarity and the Layering of Functions in World cities: New York City's struggle to stay on
Peet R.
The development of radical geography in the United States 1977
Peet R.
Spacial dialectics and marxist geography/ Progress in human geography An international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities V5 1981
Rowntree L.
Cultural/humanistic geography/ Progress in human geography An international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities V10 1986
Rowntree L.
Cultural/humanistic geography/ Progress in human geography An international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities V11 1987
Rowntree L.
Orthodoxy and new directions: cultural/humanistic geography/ Progress in human geography An international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities V12 1988
Sassen Saskia
Cities in a world economy 1994
Sassen Saskia
Schwerpunkt Globalisierung Die "Global City" - Einführung in ein Konzept und seine Geschichte
Sassen Saskia
Global Cities and developmentalost states: how to derail what could be an interesting debate: a response to Hill and Kim/Urban Studies V38 2001
Sayer Andrew
Radical geography and Marxist political economy: towards a re-evaluation/Progress in human geography 1992 pp343-360
Smith N.
Marxisn and geography in the Anglophone world/ 2001
Sternberg R.
New Economic Geography und Neue regionale Wachstumstheorie aus wirtschaftsgeographischer Sicht/2001
Weichhart P.
Humanökologie und Stadtforschung: Lebensräume in Salzburg /1992
Wills J.
Political economy I: global crisis learning and labour/ Progress in Human geography pp.443-451 1999
Wills J.
Political economy II: the politics and geography of capitalism/ Progress in Human geography pp.641-652 2000
Yi-Fu Tuan
Space and place humanistic perspective/ Human geography an essential anthology ed. by Agnew G., David N.Livingstone, Rogers A. 1996